
Ancient Love and Sad Songs.

17th August 1989. Dear Children, I needn’t have worried about Tony and Pina; my goodness such a feast they laid on for all of us; tomato salad, pork chops, break, salami, and then cake followed by coffee and to much wine I fel quite tipsy. My friends enjoyed themselves and so did the children, Tony…

Everything was Closed

Sunday 20th August 1989 Dear Children We went to Florence, because my Baedeker stated that all the museums were closed on a Monday. Unfortunately the book – although I bought it this summer – is five years out of date! The Florentines’ in their wisdom have changed their minds and now close all day Saturday…

Disaster on the Route

19th August 1989 Dear Children The journey ahead to Tuscany, or should I say Molino Del Piano was uneventful and took us just over four hours. But when you realise that this is letter is being written from a hotel room in a small village just outside of Greves, you will come to same conclusion…

Leaving the Mountains

16th August 1989 Dear Children The weather is sultry again today, Monte Baldo is shrouded in cloud and the cars coming down are wet, so obviously its raining at the top of the mountain. Went to see Tony and Pina, they had invited us to a meal or so we thought, but actually it was…

Two For One

14th August. 1989 Dear Children, In contrast to yesterday, today is spent in domestic pursuits; shopping, cooking, swimming, gazing at the sun through the leaves of a carob tree. Thunder again today. Northern Italy is certainly taking a soaking. I hope our journey south is drier. Love mum 15th August 1989. Dear Children, A scorcher today,…

Raindrops and chickens

11th August 1989 Dear Children, Woke to find the skies grey and the steady drip drip of rain on the vines. It looks as if it’s settled in for the day, and by the weather patterns of previous weeks – according to a young man we met in Salo- this part of Italy has had…

The Last Letter.

16th August 1989 Weather  sultry again today and Monte Baldo is shrouded in cloud and the cars coming down are wet so it is obviously raining at the top of the mountain. Went to see Tony and Pina, they invited us for a meal – or so we thought-but it was just for drinks. We…

Steamy Mantova.

August 10th 1989.                                     Dear children went to Mantova today.  Mantova is an ancient walled city situated halfway to Modena. It has a lake on three sides and a river on the other, so it’s technically an island.             I was surprised to find it was the home of Isabella d’ Este, a great women…

Last Tango in Venice.

August 13th 1989. Dear children, Sunday today. We had a lovely breakfast in the hotel’s beautiful and tastefully decorated dining room, with its pale blue damask curtains and matching wallpaper, then took our luggage and left, because we intended to visit the Jewish Ghetto near the station and wanted to save ourselves another journey back…

Hide and Seek – A Trip to Venice.

August 12th 1989                                       Dear children, arrived here in Venice without mishap which surprised me. I can tell you, knowing our past record. Anyway, the weather is beautiful, hot but clear. We started off by having a meal at the station buffet – my policy is that you concentrate better on a full stomach –…


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